Project reference
Project referance
Project referance
Customer: Osotspa - Ay.
Customer: Osotspa - Ay.
Project: ay3 improvement for capacity 20%
Project: ay3 improvement for capacity 20%
Customer: Ecolap – Mckey chonburi
Customer: Ecolap – Mckey chonburi
Project: foam column installation
Project: foam column installation
Customer: Ecolap – nestle’ rayong
Customer: Ecolap – nestle’ rayong
Project: chemical piping installation
Project: chemical piping installation
Customer: cavaltis – cpf kabi
Customer: cavaltis – cpf kabi
Project: water system for cleaning
Project: water system for cleaning
Customer: osotspa - hm
Project: m6 improvement for co2 online
Customer: osotspa - hm
Project: m6 improvement for co2 online
Customer: red horse - myanmar
Customer: red horse - myanmar
Project: milk pasteurization 1,000 lph
Project: milk pasteurization 1,000 lph
Customer: funhwa - myanmar
Customer: funhwa - myanmar
Project: milk pasteurization 1,000 lph
Project: milk pasteurization 1,000 lph
Customer: Cuchi milk - vietnam
Customer: Cuchi milk - vietnam
Project: milk pasteurization 2,000 lph. With yogurt
Project: milk pasteurization 2,000 lph. With yogurt
Customer: nestle’ perrier - ay
Customer: nestle’ perrier - ay
Project: npl – mnl drinking water
Project: npl – mnl drinking water
Customer: Pepsi - amata rayong
Customer: Pepsi - amata rayong
Project: UF/RO PLANT 200 Q/HR
Project: UF/RO PLANT 200 Q/HR